An sako mahaifin Luiz Diaz na Liverpool

An sako mahaifin Luis Diaz, kusan mako biyu da wasu suka sace shi, kamar yadda hukumar kwalon kafar Colombia ta tabbatar.

An dauke Luis Manuel Diaz da mai dakinsa, Cilenis Marulanda kwana 12 da ya wuce, daga baya aka samu mahaifitar Diaz.

Bayan da aka yi ta tattaunawa da ‘yan tawaye da ake kira National Liberation Army da dan wasan Liverpool, yanzu ta kai da an sako masa mahaifinsa.

the Liverpool winger’s father has now been released.

An FCF statement read: “The Colombian Football Federation thanks the national government, the military forces and the national police, as well as all the institutions and officials that made the release of Luis Manuel Diaz, father of our player Luis Diaz, possible.

Diaz, wanda ya farke kwallon da Luton Town ta ci Liverpool a wasansa na farko tun bayan sace mahaifinsa, yana cikin wadanda za su buga mata Europa League da Toulouse ranar Alhamis.

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